Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tutorial Three

I took this screenshot after finishing the tutorial. Notice the sweet color scheme.

And here's a couple of sections that I took from the second cube.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tutorial Two

As I pushed the limits of the plan, error messages became much more frequent. However, I was still able to achieve some drastic results in the appearance of the 3-D image. If I were to do this again, I might make use of a simpler plan, since this one became a bit difficult to manage near the end of the process.

By making some minor alterations in the plan, one can already see the difference in both the overall surface appearance and the size of the holes in the skin.

Using the plan I created in the first tutorial, I projected some of the associations into the third dimension. To create punctures in the surface, I extruded triangles that I also based off of the original plan so that they would be associative as well.

Tutorial One

This was about as far as I could bend the associations without forcing the drawing outside of the bounding box. The altered plan looks nothing like the one I started with, even though it uses all the same lines.

I drew some construction lines through the original plan and made them coincident with certain vertices. It only took a few construction lines to start seeing a major difference in how my plan appeared.

This was the plan that I started with. I wanted to begin with rigid, orderly geometries and see how far I could manipulate them.